Greed leaves no place for
singing birds and murmuring rivers. Maximizing accumulation is the force
that drives greed. Appropriating nature and labor is the cheapest way
greed finds for maximization of accumulation.
But birds sustain a living ecology. Rivers flow to the same destination: sustain life.
Birds and rivers are required also for cruel
appropriators as the greedy group loves only their sustenance, and a
living ecology is needed for sustenance, and birds and rivers are part
of ecological system that help sustain life. But turning inconsiderate
to life and ecology, to birds, rivers, air and soil is the irony of
appropriation. Thus appropriators are directly in conflict with ecology.
Facts from almost all lands, from the North and the South Hemispheres reveal the trend: onslaught on ecology.
In Europe, according to a Pan-European Common Bird
Monitoring Scheme survey, 36 species of farmland birds including the
skylark and the meadow pipit have declined in their number: from 600
million to 300 million between 1980 and 2009. Britain is one of the
worst suffering countries by losses to its farmland birds. The EU
enforced farming policies are the catalysts for this catastrophe.
Destroying hedgerows, wetlands and meadows has “contributed” to this
What's the “holy” reason for the destruction? It's more and more; more profit.
Ittefaq , a leading Bangla Dhaka daily,
reported on May 24, 2012: Industrial wastes, including effluent and
smoke from 16 re-rolling mills, 49 brick kilns and other industrial
units including paper pulp, fertilizer, textile, dyeing, battery,
rubber, plastic factories, more than hundred in numbers, are threatening
life and occupation of around three hundred-thousand dwellers in
Roopganj, an almost industrial area near the Bangladesh capital city
Dhaka. The residents are not feeling safe with air and water. There is
noise pollution. Wastes are being drained into the Sitalakkhaa and
Baaloo, two rivers running through the area.
These two incidents, part of a process, one from an
advanced capitalist country and another from a peripheral country, are
not isolated facts. Now-a-days media around the world carry thousands of
similar news and facts that unravel relations between the type of
economy and defacing of the ecology and environment. Now-a-days
ecological crisis threatening all forms of life in this earth need no
explanation. Even masters of this on-going ecocide – the owners of
capital – don't dare to publicly deny the crisis, their sin.
About two years ago, WWF, the international organization involved in the area of ecology, said in its Living Planet
report: A second planet will be required by 2030 to meet our needs as
over-use of Earth's natural resources and carbon pollution have become
critical. If all human being in this world used resources at the same
per capita rate as the US or the UAE, four and a half planets would be
needed. More than 70 countries were exhausting their freshwater sources
at an alarming, unsustainable rate. About two-thirds of these countries
experience water scarcity ranging from moderate to severe. In 2007, the
world's 6.8 billion humans were living 50% beyond the planet's threshold
of sustainability. The report highlighted the rich-poor ecological gap.
In 1970-2007, an index of biodiversity showed a world decline of almost
30%. In the tropics, it was alarming: 60%.
No brain with logic will claim that the acts are
isolated from the world economic system: capitalism. “From the outset,”
Joe Bageant, author of the book about working class in America Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War ,
writes, “capitalism was always about the theft of the people's
sustenance. It was bound to lead to the ultimate theft – the final
looting of the source of their sustenance – nature.” (“Our Plunder of
Nature will End up Killing Capitalism and Our Obscene Lifestyles”, Countercurrents , July 13, 2010 )
“The main feature of capitalism is the seductive
assertion that you can get something for nothing in this world.” (ibid.)
Owners of this system, the capitalists, Joe continues, “hate any sort
of cost.” They, he describes, “remain unimpressed by global warming, or
melting polar ice caps, or Southwestern desert armadillos showing up in
Canada , or hurricanes getting bigger and more numerous every year.”
These are the elites in control of the world
environment in continents and countries. “Just before the economy blew
out,” according to Joe, “these elites held slightly less than $80
trillion. After the blowout/bailout, their combined investment wealth
was estimated at a little over $83 trillion. To give some idea, this is
four years of the gross output of all the human beings on earth.”
This massive money power takes hold of political
power. Owning this unimaginably monstrous money-political power system
they put their footprint on ecology that is changing the planet's
environment irreversibly.
This system, the masters of the system in the
center, in the periphery, in between the center and the periphery, try
their best to maximize profit by minimizing cost, by appropriating
labor, robbing nature, grabbing everything within their reach, putting
costs on public. Pollution, destruction of ecology and ruination of
nature thus creep into public domain – a human concern.
Acts of the masters are turning into crime, crime against the planet, against posterity, against humanity.
The World Future Council leaders said: “These are
crimes against the future … These are crimes that will not only injure
future generations, but destroy any future at all for millions of
The Council has called for appointing “ombudspersons
for future generations”, “guardians appointed at global, national and
local levels whose job would be to help safeguard environmental and
social conditions by speaking up authoritatively for future generations
in all areas of policy-making. This could take the shape of a
parliamentary commissioner, a guardian, a trustee or an auditor,
depending on how it best fits into a nation's governance structure.”
But questions are there: How far the ombudspersons
can act where power structure, economy and political power is of, by and
for polluters, grabbers, eco-murderers? If they can act, then, why do
environment law/court/ministry/inspectors, depending on arrangement in
countries, can't act? What will happen if polluters grab that proposed
holy post as have happened in countries by different
lobbies/interests/gangs? What's the guarantee that the proposed holy
persons' observations/edicts/verdicts will be implemented? Are not there
instances of trampling/violation of all basic, fundamental, moral,
ethical, human, natural, principled
rights/practices/conventions/laws/rules around the world, in countries?
Out of their sense of urgency the WFC leaders'
suggestion sounds nice, but not functional. It's detached from reality,
the socio-economic-environmental -political reality.
What's the reality?
An answer is provided by Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster in their seminal analysis What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know about Capitalism: A Citizen's Guide to Capitalism and the Environment
(2011): Capitalism is a system that must continually expand, a system
that, by its very nature, will eventually come up against the reality of
finite natural resources, a system geared to expansionist growth in the
search for profits that will inevitably transgress planetary
By its very nature the system stands against ecology
and environment as its only concern is profit, nothing else. Standing
for environment will lead to questioning the ever hungry system.
Pushing 1 billion persons down to extreme poverty,
and enriching a few, whose consumption is threatening the planet is one
of the major “contributions” of the system. Other than the hungry and
starved, there are energy poor, electricity poor, water poor,
information poor, basic rights poor, safety poor, they are the poor
masses deprived of honor and dignity, and there are the food rich,
energy rich, electricity rich, water rich, information rich, luxury
rich, power and privilege rich, resource rich, consumption rich, the
rich few controlling everything.
Imbalance and inequity at this level can't sustain
environment and ecology. The first one, imbalance and inequity, is
linear, ever expanding while the later one, environment and ecology,
demands diversity, tolerance, consideration, accommodation. Observance
related to environment turns hollow and chattering if this aspect of
political economy is ignored.
One of the books edited by Farooque Chowdhury
from Dhaka is the recently published The Great Financial Crisis, What
Next, interviews with John Bellamy Foster .