People democratize their
spheres with own momentum, velocity and force manifested in its
leadership, organization and politics. Trajectory of people’s
democratization process that gets generated from contradictions in the
realm of production relation ultimately frees itself from influence and
control of dominant interests.
Dominant interest, because of its prevailing paramount
position in economy and politics, influences, manipulates, distorts and
deactivates people’s democratization process. The attempts persist
temporarily, depending on reality; but the power equation changes as
people turn matured in term of experience, theory, leadership,
organization and ways of initiatives/struggles, and a seemingly
frustrating, sometimes hopeless, situation gives way to a new dawn of
An example, in brief, elaborates the way.
In retrospect
On March 9, 1944, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Muslim League
leader in the British colony of India, said: “At present you should just
stand by Pakistan. It means that first of all you have to take
possession of a territory. …When you have once taken possession of your
homeland the question will then arise as to what form of government you
are going to establish.” (Some Recent Speeches and Writings of Mr.
Jinnah, collected and edited by Jamil-Ud-Din Ahmad, lecturer, Muslim
University, Aligarh, and member, All-India Muslim League council, 1947,
Lahore) He was delivering speech at the Aligarh Muslim University Union.
Jinnah was unwilling to enter into detail of type of government at that
moment as that would have raised questions among a portion of his
But Jinnah’s statement was an irrational one coated
with emotion and apparent rationality. His audience, the Muslims of this
subcontinent, accepted the statement. Their allegiance to and trust on
him encouraged Jinnah to say arrogantly: “Fortunately, I came to the
rescue of the Musalmans and prevented them from committing suicide.”
(ibid.) Jinnah was addressing the All-India Railway Muslim Employees’
Association in Delhi on February 27, 1944. The Muslim League leader
successfully hoodwinked analytical capacity of his audience that allowed
him to make the boastful claim. It tells his level of influence at that
On August 14, 1947, the day Pakistan emerged as a
dominion of the British Empire, the sentiment among the Muslim residents
in Dhaka (at that time spelled as Dacca) was of jubilation. Jinnah was
then unchallenged leader of the Muslims’ in both wings – East and West –
of Pakistan.
But, within months, there was a voice of opposition.
Courageous Baangaalee students steadfastly opposed Jinnah’s stand on
language question. The voice of protest was unimaginable to many
Jinnah-disciples. The defiant students, inexperienced in comparison to
Jinnah, were standing against Pakistan establishment- leadership heavily
loaded with Nazimuddin, Akram Khaa, and similar others in a bundle.
Even, in 1948, a portion of Dhaka residents was opposed to the students
standing for Baanglaa language.
In terms of political resistance, those were desolate
days for Bangladesh, at that time it was East Bengal/E. Pak. The rebel
Maulaanaa, Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, was passing hard days in Dhaka.
Even, it took courage to visit him as there were always the blood-red
eyes of Muslim League as the arch rightist party in the seat of
governance knew the fire brand Maulaanaa, a leader with rebellious
peasant background. Communists in East Bengal were compelled to close
down the book store, a single one, they initiated in Dhaka. At day time,
Baareen Datta, a communist leader in East Bengal, as he conveyed in his
memoirs Sangraammookhar Deengoolee, had to float in boats in guise of a
floating hawker in Haor, vast seasonal water body in the north-central
part of Bangladesh, as it was difficult for him to have a safe shelter
in Sunamganj. His sister Hena Das and their comrades had the same “fate”
in varying forms as their memoirs/autobiographies describe. Hired
hoodlums, as Tajuddin Ahmad, the first prime minister of the Provisional
Government of Bangladesh, narrated in his youth days-diary (now
available in book form), assaulted students belonging to non-Muslim
League camp. The hirelings used a government vehicle, the number of
which Tajuddin noted in the diary. The lumpens went scot-free as Muslim
League leaders were their political fathers. Ila Mitra, the Raanee Maa
as the rebel East Bengal Shaotaals (mostly spelled as Shantal) used to
address her with love and respect, had to face torture in untold term.
The Shaotaals had their narration of facing barbarity and brutality
unleashed by the Muslim League/Pakistan leadership. The fishers of
Sunamganj, the sharecroppers of north-western part of East Bengal waging
Tebhaagaa Andolon or Tebhaagaar Laraai, movement for a fair share of
produce, the port and railways workers, the beeree (also spelled bidi),
hand-made cigarette, workers and many others from the East Bengal
working classes had to face police assault, detention, torture, jail and
bullets. Killing of political prisoners in Khaapraa ward, a cell in
Rajshahi jail, and death of hunger striking prisoners are only two of
many such incidents.
But the days of the torturers were going to their
dusk. Shamsul Haque, a young man from an ordinary peasant family,
awarded an election-defeat to a Muslim League leader. That was
unimaginable to the League leaders, aristocrat, in terms of East Bengal
society, and powerful. In the election held in 1954, the Baangaalee
people made a verdict: the mighty League was wiped out from the face of
East Bengal. Only through conspiracy, riot, buy- in, horse trading, and
other dirty machinations the rulers prevailed, up to the people’s
upsurge in 1969, politically. Only a few months before the upsurge, in
1968, Ayub, the ruler at that time, jubilantly celebrated his decade of
tyranny termed as “Decade of Development”.
Long before the 1969-upsurge, there were initiatives,
in commoners’ ghettoes, to organize struggle for democracy. A booklet,
part of those initiatives, said: “None has the power to push back time.
History doesn’t cease moving forward. History is the witness: The flag
of freedom shall fly high forever over this land of rivers, the land
where swords of Harsavardhana and Man Singh broke down into pieces.” The
Banglaa booklet was published in 1949.
How many persons imagined that the statement made in the booklet will turn true within only 22 years?
Jinnah’s Pakistan was rejected by the majority of its
population. At least Muslim League leadership of all shades including
Ayub, leading a faction of Muslim League, his E. Pakistani quisling
Monaem, their bureaucrat advisors and industrialist supporters that
included Adamjee, Bawani and co., Ayub’s vagabond-appearing local
government wagon riders declined to listen to the murmurs the movement
of the Baangaalee people made throughout the period. But their denial
was not all powerful. Rather, the denial was standing on a hollow
ground. People rose up in rebellion, and threw away the tyranny, and
then, the glorious Bangladesh War of Liberation followed.
This dynamic – a population’s rejection of an ideology
upheld by a group of elites, and the population tearing down the
elites’ state to half – is difficult, sometimes impossible, to perceive
by elite-brain.
Similar – people’s rejection of elite-ideology or
-politics or -rule while ruling elites fail to gauge people’s discontent
– difficulties/failures on the part of the elites were found in other
lands also. It was found in Tehran during the last days of Shah. The
failure was also present in Manila since assassinating Benigno Aquino.
Shah, his dreaded, elaborate intelligence network, his
political allies, scores of journalists from important Shah-ally
countries, Marcos, his politically active wife Imelda and their cronies
failed to hear “mutter” below the surface under their heavy feet that
encroached all spaces for dissent and democracy. Even Marcos and his
cronies failed to “smell” changing position – tact in the name
“democracy” – of their closest ally. King Farook in Egypt, King Idris in
Libya, Samoza in Nicaragua and “Baby Doc”, Duvalier, in Haiti, Mubarak
in Egypt, and their ruling machines and external master also failed to
perceive the dynamic. Erdogan, the backward looking neo-Sultan in Turkey
upholding repressive ideas, failed to perceive the Taksim protest
threatening his dream for further dictatorial power.
It’s a dynamic people initiate to democratize their
life – economy, society, politics and culture. Set backs and defeats
that follow very often only reinvigorate people’s initiative to achieve
victory, a long, arduous process.
Move to democratize
People keep on their move to claim democracy despite
failures and set backs as democracy is the only space for organizing
their life in a decent, dignified way. It’s the only space to get
mobilized for resisting encroachers of the space required for organizing
a peaceful, prosperous life.
Organizing political movement is their most important
and effective way to claim democracy, people’s democracy. But it takes
time, etc. to organize such a movement. Instead of spending time in
frustration people initiate/can initiate other motions that facilitate
their mobilization and forward movement.
A major part of these motions include producing
literature. Pre-’69 Bangladesh-years experienced scores of literature
mostly produced by students and political activists. Journalists with
their political columns played a major role. That was a part of
politicization of the masses of people in Bangladesh. In 1815, John
Adams wrote to Jefferson: “What do we mean by Revolution? The War? That
was no part of the Revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of
it. The Revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was
effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen years before a
drop of blood was shed at Lexington. The records of thirteen
legislatures, the pamphlets, newspapers in all the colonies, ought to be
consulted during that period to ascertain the steps by which the public
opinion was enlightened and informed concerning the authority of
Parliament over the colonies.” Other lands dreaming for democracy are
not exceptions.
People’s initiatives/moves for democratizing their
spheres are entirely and fundamentally different from “democratization”
“initiatives” driven by external actors: other states and their
organizations, funds, non-governmental organizations in appearance,
banks, etc.
Aim of the external actors’ “initiatives” is to secure
existing world order – the world market system – based on inequality
while people’s initiatives aim to have a political system corresponding
to economic interests of people – an equitable distribution, restoring
people’s ownership on the commons, securing environment and ecology in
the interest of people, a fair international trade regime, etc. As the
two stand opposed to each other external actors’ “initiatives” aim to
secure market, sources of raw materials and labor while the other one
can secure its interest only by breaking the chain of market.
Market stands as one of the yardsticks for determining
type of democracy: for the people or for the market, or in other words,
people’s democracy or market’s democracy. Market and democracy cannot
move together.
Jacques Attali, economist, philosopher and former
president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was
special adviser to the president of France for 10 years. He finds
“inherent conflict between the market economy and democracy” and says
the “two concepts are contradictory” (“The Crash of Western
Civilization: The Limits of the Market and Democracy”, Foreign Policy,
Number 107, Summer 1997) He also finds “the marriage of democracy and
the market economy suffers from three fundamental shortcomings”, and
says “these two sets of principles [democracy and market economy] often
contradict one another and are more likely to go head-to-head than hand
in hand”. (ibid.)
Attali writes:
“In a democratic society, the promotion of the
individual is the ultimate goal, while in a market economy the
individual is treated as a commodity — one that can be excluded or cast
aside for want of the right education, skills, physical characteristics,
or upbringing.
“The market economy accepts and fosters strong
inequalities between economic agents, whereas democracy is based on the
equal rights of all citizens. By depriving some people of the ability to
meet their basic economic needs, the market economy also leaves them
less able to exercise their full political rights. Witness the swelling
ranks of unemployed workers in much of the West who can vote but are
otherwise increasingly disenfranchised and alienated.
“The market economy resists the localization of power,
discourages coalitions between participants, and encourages
selfishness, while democracy depends upon a clear identification of
political responsibility, the coalition of citizens in political
parties, and a general appreciation of our common fate. Democracies need
political parties that are capable of molding platforms based on
compromises between individual points of view, while market economies
rely on competing individual centers.
“The market economy creates a world of nomads, whereas democracy can apply only to sedentary people.
“The market economy assumes that the aggregation of
selfish behavior by all economic agents is best for the group, whereas
democracy makes the assumption that the best outcome for any given group
will result from the acceptance by a minority of the decision of a
majority.” (ibid.)
As example he mentions:
As example he mentions:
“[O]ur companies and bureaucracies are organized on
the basis of fixed plans and strict hierarchies. Can we imagine a real
market relationship between divisions of the same company or between a
boss and her assistant? Can we imagine an internal referendum on each
decision made by a minister or cabinet secretary?” (ibid.)
Attali beefs up the argument:
“[F]ew Western nations including the United States
would appreciate an international community where true democracy
prevailed. (Imagine, for example, a United Nations where the most
important decisions were made not by the Security Council's oligarchy of
five nuclear powers but by the entire General Assembly on the principle
of ‘one citizen, one vote’ or ‘one state, one vote’.) If international
financial institutions had followed such a democratic system during the
so-called Global Negotiations of the 1980s, there would likely have been
a drastic shift in the global distribution of wealth that would have
jeopardized the interests of the West in general, and of the United
States in particular.” (ibid.)
By further dissection he adds:
“[A]pplying the principles of the market economy both
within and among nations is problematic and undesirable. I know of no
Western nation that seeks a free market in justice, law enforcement,
national defense, education, or even telecommunications ... Few if any
Westerners would want to live in a country where court rulings were for
sale, citizenship and passports could be purchased at airline ticket
counters, and air waves were auctioned off to the highest bidder without
regard to content. And among nations, a free market for nuclear
weapons, illegal narcotics, high technology, potable water, and
pollution would promote the rapid growth of supranational political
bodies and powerful nonstate entities capable of challenging national
governments.” (ibid.)
People’s democracy, thus, stands opposite to market as
principles and practices of market are opposed to principles and
practices of democracy, rule of majority of society. So, people’s
democratizing initiative opposes market. Otherwise, people cannot
establish and consolidate their democracy, and market gets a freehand in
dominating, distorting and encroaching democracy.
To tomorrow
Democracy ultimately stands on force, the force of
majority. People in their struggle for democracy develop force of their
own. The force initially, at a stage and as intermediate phase, gets
manifested sometimes in Bangladesh (erstwhile E. Pak.) 1969-people’s
upsurge, sometimes in Bangladesh 1990-urban upsurge, sometimes with
yellow color in Manila, sometimes at Tahrir Square and sometimes at
Taksim Square. In short, it’s the Tahrir-way, the Taksim-way or the
Turkish summer-way, now at Taksim.
People’s democratizing initiative can begin as a
demand to have bread or an effort to save a commons, a few trees on a
small piece of land, and can act as a spark igniting people’s aspiration
and yearning against authoritarian archaic ruler/ruling elites, and can
shatter the ruler’s/ruling elites’ seeming invincibility, and can
spread like wildfire. The outcome depends on other factors and
Despite similarities to many extents Tahrir is not
Taksim, and Taksim can’t be copied elsewhere as conditions that
generated Tahrir and Taksim are different. No imagination should be
entertained to copy either of the two. However, the two, and similar
others provide lessons, which are, broadly: educate, mobilize, avoid
adventurism, find out areas for democratic initiatives by the masses of
At initial stage, people develop it through awareness,
exchange of experiences. In the process, the democracy of minority
social classes propagated as democracy-universal, a myth, gets exposed.
Gradually, the development rises to the stage of effective organization.
People, in their process to democratize, gradually exercise authority –
people’s sovereignty – spanning spheres of culture, society, politics
and economy.
In a journey towards a democratized tomorrow,
initiating motions for democratizing spheres around include: (1)
producing literature; (2) expanding publicity; (3) organizing exchange
of experiences; (4) making demand for fair price shop; (5) organizing
cooperatives; (6) planning and implementing environmental programs; (7)
organizing programs for mitigating effects of climate crisis; (8)
formulating demands to democratize credit giving societies/groups,
re-/construction work groups, bodies managing educational institutions,
storage facilities, health facilities, local government and projects;
(9) claiming other commons.
Taksim revolt shows: Simple trees can mobilize people
in a mass-based way shunning irresponsible comments hurting people’s
sentiment, adventurous slogans and childish incoherent acts. In places
and at times, it may be a river, a water body, a flood plain, an
encroacher’s acts and connections.
These and similar other activities, people identify as
they proceed, facilitate forward movement for democratizing spheres
around people, enrich people’s experience, build up leadership, and
space for further move. It’s a continuous process with more and more
democratizing demands of people.