Frustrating status
quo-aspiration and falsifying most of the mainstream expectation coated
with predictions, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has won a fourth term
in office. It's a victory of the under-classes. His new six-year term
will begin next year, on the 10 th of January, and the common people
expect: the Bolivarian revolution, as Chávez identifies, will continue.
“The revolution has triumphed”, Chávez told the jubilant citizens from the people's balcony ,
a balcony of the Miraflores presidential palace in the capital city
Caracas . “ Venezuela will continue its march toward the democratic
socialism of the 21st century. Viva Venezuela ! Viva the fatherland! The
battle was perfect and the victory was perfect”, Chávez said.
From Argentina , President Cristina Fernandez de
Kirchner tweeted: “Your victory is our victory! And the victory of South
America and the Caribbean !”
With a turnout of about 81% voters Chávez had won
more than 54% of the votes while his opponent Henrique Capriles was able
to bag about 45%. A subdued Capriles, leader of a coalition of about 30
parties opposing Chávez and standing for the interests of the rich,
admitted defeat. Capriles and his cohorts are also close to the empire
and opposed to Cuba .
The information in the four paragraphs above
provide, in brief, the perspective of the election victory in Venezuela,
an old republic striving for a new society based on equity and
equality, dignity and fraternity, and standing opposed to the strongest
empire in human history – the US. The struggle is within the country and
in the external arena. The perspective leaves no confusion concerning
the tone of politics and its debates.
Wide expectation in the mainstream was that
Capriles, the Justice First candidate, would kick out Chávez as the
country is being oppressed by an overvalued currency, slow moving
industry, crumbling infrastructure, alarming murder rate, corruption and
Oil accounts for more than 90% of the country's
foreign currency inflows, but the economy is still to be diversified.
Inflation in the fifth largest economy in Latin America is 20% a year.
“Soaring inflation and government spending – coupled with currency and
capital controls – have created a widening fiscal deficit”, informed
Consensus Economics, a survey organization. “The authorities are
increasingly reliant on external debt to finance this.”
The China Development Bank, Bloomberg news agency informs, has lent Venezuela $42.5bn over the past five years.
Arturo Franco of the Center for International
Development at Harvard University cites Venezuela as “the worst
performer in GDP per capita growth.”
And, there are similar other statistics that can be easily cited as evidence of underperformance of the state Chávez leads.
During election campaigns, Capriles, who had a
privileged upbringing, opposed nationalization. His argument:
Nationalization discourages investment. His other arguments against
Chávez included increasing autocracy, harassment of the private sector,
government's involvement in the economy, which is detrimental to private
sector, spiraling crime and power cuts. Capriles also referred to
scandals that surface occasionally.
The line of criticism and the argument for
opposition to Chávez is clear: Neoliberalism that puts everything to the
“pity”, “benevolence”, cruelty and greed of capital that seeks profit
only. To the poor Venezuelans, Capriles is an agent of oligarchy and the
US .
A closer look into the performance by Chávez makes
the demarcation line, along opposing class interests, clear: Poverty has
decreased, health indicators have improved, thousands have got jobs in
the expanding state sector. A house-building program has sheltered
thousands of families in new homes. Billions of dollars have been
channeled into misiones , social programs for the poor:
healthcare, education, low-price shops, transport, cooperatives. Now,
with a gradually decreasing income inequality all the citizens have a
more equal slice of the cake. Venezuela is having the fairest income
distribution in the region.
Chávez, who casts himself as the unlikely friend of the wealthy, who always claims somos la mayoría ,
we are the majority, has nationalized strategic industries and
expropriated millions of hectares of land that the rich kept idle with
the only purpose of speculation with land. The constitution framed under
his leadership addresses social exclusion, and facilitates
participation, transparency and accountability.
Chávez, who declared himself a socialist and whose campaign slogan was Chávez es el pueblo ,
Chávez is the people, is close to the poor, and is alienated from the
elites. His opponents called him a monkey. Rich Venezuelans are angry
with Chávez.
Prior to the emergence of Chávez, two political
parties were peacefully altering state power. Poverty and corruption was
wide and deep. A plunderocracy was reigning. Opposing the corrupt
system and the elites' squandering of the oil wealth Chávez promised
pro-poor social policies. He now plans to build three million homes by
2018 for the low-income people.
Capriles dared not antagonize the poor. He had to
say, during campaign, he would not automatically return expropriated
assets to private owners. He praised a number of programs initiated by
Chávez. He had to commit he would, if elected, push building health
clinics and schools for the poor.
The stage is set: the poor are aspiring for a better
life for them while despising the rich for their predatory and
squandering lifestyle. In a country divided between the rich and the
poor with respective politics Chávez's voice against the wealthy is
well-known: “predatory oligarchs”, the rotten elites, “squealing pigs”,
“vampires”, who looted the oil wealth, corrupt servants of international
capital, living in “luxury chalets where they perform orgies, drinking
His opponents propagate a contradictory demand. They oppose his programs while they say he could and should have done more.
With petrodiplomacy, PetroCaribe program, standing
close to Cuba , organizing ALBA with soft loans to neighbors, Chávez
takes a stand for solidarity, mutual cooperation and fraternity among
countries. This position can't endear him to a section in the world
arena, the sections that practices Shock Therapy .
It's not an easy task to steer an old state machine
on a new socio-economic-political path. All parts of the machine are
old. Efforts for a gradual transformation are being made. Reality
imposes a lot of limitations. There are limitations within the social
forces upholding the dream for change. Chávez is operating within this
It would be a utopia to expect a corruption-free
Venezuela overnight. A comparison will tell the truth: billions of
dollars are “traceless”, unaccounted in two war fields. Is the amount of
Venezuelan corruption to that level? Corruption in other countries that
are integral part of the world system, Ben Ali's Tunisia or Mubarak's
Egypt or some other similar country needs no mention. Is speculators'
corruption, of rating agencies and banks, being exposed through the
Great Financial Crisis comparable? Should not one compare “efficiency”
of banks and real estate developers that are getting exposed at the
center of the world system and in countries near to the center with the
Venezuelan inefficiency? A comparison between Venezuelan power cut and
power cuts in countries integrated with the world system will provide a
hard truth. Should not one compare the number of schools being closed
and teachers being thrown out of jobs in an advanced capitalist country
and the number of schools being established and students being enrolled
in Venezuela ? Should not the number of homeless families and the number
of families being evicted from homes in advanced capitalist countries
and the number of poor families getting home in Venezuela be compared?
Despite the facts mainstream don't refrain from its
task: vilify people's efforts to build up a dignified, decent life. This
reality compels one to say Chávez es el pueblo , Chávez is the
people as people turn tired of inequality, deception, corruption,
wasteful luxury, and as Chávez inspires the poor.