Mandela, the
name, needs no annotation, no analysis, no explanation. It stands with
its own dignity, own strength, own activity, own journey along the path
of humanity. It was his, Nelson Mandela’s journey for humanity, his
journey for humanity’s freedom, his Long Walk to Freedom.
Mandela invigorated and emboldened the
walk to freedom that humanity cherishes and dreams, and tries hard to
achieve. Mandela’s walk towards freedom will not cease. Mandela will
live as humanity’s long walk to freedom
Mandela’s journey began at Mvezo, a South
African village, as Rolihlahla, troublemaker, the name his father
bestowed upon him. He encountered apartheid, a variety of supremacist
ideology and practice, an injustice. His journey turned into an integral
part of the black people’s fight against apartheid. The journey went
through our world’s all hamlets and villages and slums and townships and
towns and cities, wherever humanity faces injustice. The journey
touched all hearts in the world that stood in the fight against
apartheid and injustice. It was irrespective of color as toiling masses
have no color, neither black nor white, neither in political fight nor
in organizing union.
Mandela was not destined to work in gold
mines, to spend entire life mining gold for the rich. His was a destiny
to struggle for freedom. South African time politicized him as, Mandela
writes, “To be an African in South Africa means that one is politicized
from the moment of one’s birth, whether one acknowledges it or not.”
It’s the same with humanity in all lands
ravaged by capital that imposes inequality – a variety of apartheid –
which is not only on the basis of color of skin, but also on the basis
of access to essentials of life, opportunity to flourish as human being,
access to the political space essential to practice inalienable rights
as human being. Commoners are thus politicized in all lands ruled by
inequality. Thus Mandela was of the commoners.
Mandela’s walk to freedom takes him to Robben Island, as prisoner, in the Atlantic. Mandela, transgressing all ocean blue waters of imprisonment and banishment, was indomitable. His job as prisoner in the island was to crush stones. The rulers tried to crush him, bend him down, and subdue him down. But he refused to get crushed, refused to bend, refused to get subdued, and he won, as Mandela writes, “a thousand indignities and a thousand unremembered moments produced in me an anger, a rebelliousness, a desire to fight the system that imprisoned my people”. It’s a dream and desire and defiance of the entire humanity, but capital, but exploiters, but racists. Thus Mandela upholds the spirit of humanity. And, this gave birth to defeat of the supremacists, fascists. It was a defeat beyond the imagination of the supremacists!
Mandela’s walk to freedom takes him to Robben Island, as prisoner, in the Atlantic. Mandela, transgressing all ocean blue waters of imprisonment and banishment, was indomitable. His job as prisoner in the island was to crush stones. The rulers tried to crush him, bend him down, and subdue him down. But he refused to get crushed, refused to bend, refused to get subdued, and he won, as Mandela writes, “a thousand indignities and a thousand unremembered moments produced in me an anger, a rebelliousness, a desire to fight the system that imprisoned my people”. It’s a dream and desire and defiance of the entire humanity, but capital, but exploiters, but racists. Thus Mandela upholds the spirit of humanity. And, this gave birth to defeat of the supremacists, fascists. It was a defeat beyond the imagination of the supremacists!
The declaration that Freedom Charter,
adopted in the Congress of the People on June 25-26, 1955, made was also
Mandela’s declaration as he is part of his people:
We, the people of South Africa, declare …:
That South Africa belongs to all who
live in it … and that no governance can justly claim authority unless it
is based on the will of the people;
That our people have been robbed of
their birthright to land, liberty and peace by a form of government
founded on injustice and inequality;
That our country will never be
prosperous or free until all our people live in brotherhood, enjoying
equal rights and opportunities;
That only a democratic state, based on
the will of the people, can secure to all their birthright without
distinction of colour, race, sex or belief;
Mandela’s walk went on. It was a walk for
decades. In the annals of humanity, it’s a walk for centuries. The
system of apartheid made a retreat as Mandela and his comrades and his
people refused “to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.” The
apartheid system was formally dismantled as “the whirlwinds of revolt”
continued “to shake the foundations of” the apartheid rulers.
But scourges and strings of apartheid are
difficult to eliminate. Miners, farm workers, the industrial labor, the
poor, the unemployed, the fighting youth in South Africa face the
difficulty. Whips of capital lash them. Exploitation appropriates them.
Inequality in distribution presses them down to the state of inhumanity.
Humanity struggles in the dense, dark poverty. They face appeasements
by a section. Poverty, exploitation, discrimination, the rich-poor
divide persist. It’s a long path with risky turnings. So, Mandela’s
spirit illuminates. So, Mandela bestows hope to all fighting spirits.
So, there is urgency; there is the need,
as Nkrumah suggests: “act at once, with resolution and in unity.”
Mandela united his people. The act of resolutely marching forward still
is there.
Mandela dreamed an economically happy
people. To be economically free, Nkrumah suggests, there is need to be
united politically. For complete “liquidation and collapse of
imperialism”, Nkrumah suggests, people’s political unity is needed. The
path is long. The path is long in South Africa, in Africa, in all the
So, Mandela concludes autobiography, his Long Walk to Freedom:
I have walked that long road to freedom. I
have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I
have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only
finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment
here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me,
to look back to the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a
moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger,
for my long walk has yet not ended.
As Mandela’s long walk has not yet ended
there is still the call over all of South Africa, over all of Africa to,
as Martin Luther King called, let freedom ring from the prodigious
hilltops …Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains …. Let freedom ring
from every hill and mole hill… From every mountainside, let freedom
“To die”, Mao wrote, “for the people is
heavier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the
exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather.” Mandela was for
people. Mandela’s struggle is for people.